
Why choose Tch2Thrive?
Committed to excellence for diverse students Tch2Thrive Inc., is a bilingual literacy consulting company created and owned by Dr. Gloria Ramos Gonzalez, a Mexican American Latina and Harvard trained literacy specialist dedicated to improving the educational experience of culturally and linguistically diverse students across the globe. Dr. Gonzalez started Tch2Thrive Inc because of the large academic achievement gap especially in communities serving diverse students, and the lack of high quality professional development available for teachers.
Teaching students to thrive not just in the classroom but in life! The Tch2Thrive curriculum and reading methodology is based on a transformative, whole child, educational philosophy filled with robust learning strategies empowering students to thrive in life!
About Gloria
Dr. Ramos Gonzalez has been working in the field of education since 1995 and has worked as a bilingual Spanish and English classroom teacher, Harvard trained reading specialist, researcher, professor and staff developer across the U.S. and abroad. Gloria has helped develop dual language immersion programs in Spanish, Vietnamese, Mandarin and French.
Gloria understands the importance of having high expectations, while honoring the unique contributions of culturally and linguistically diverse students and their families. She came from a Mexican immigrant household of 10 children who started school in the U.S. as English language learners. Despite the initial struggle to navigate the school system, all of them graduated college and became professionals contributing to their community. This personal experience helped her see the need for supporting diverse families in transition.
Hence, Gloria has dedicated her career to helping build stronger educational programs, especially in underserved communities comprised of culturally and linguistically diverse students. Her work helps cross-pollinate key ideas and resources for the betterment of educational programming.