Defying the Odds: What We Can Learn From High Performing Schools Serving Students Living In Poverty
*Examines her original research findings based on high achieving elementary schools working with Latino students in poverty
Thematic Teaching: Integrating Across Disciplines
*Compares different approaches to thematic teaching and describes ways to build robust curriculum units
Using Multiple Measures to Monitor Growth
*Designs ways to monitor the five main components of a comprehensive literacy program: fluency, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary and comprehension
Guided Reading In the Diverse Classroom
*Identifies ways to differentiate reading instruction and accelerate reading growth for all learners
Analyzing and Evaluating Writing of Simultaneous Bilinguals
*Examines how to create a professional development system to examine student writing using an analytic and holistic bilingual approach
What Is Academic Language?
*Analyzes different approaches to developing academic language in students
Connecting Literacy to Meaningful Learning
*Explains how to connect beyond the literacy classroom walls into community service learning projects
Reaching Latino English Language Learners
*Examines research based strategies and culturally relevant pedagogy that helps bridge Latino students and their families to the school community
How To Motivate Your Students to Write
*Discusses key practices that engage students in daily writing